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Pocket Doctor

UX, UI design, App-design, logo design

This was my dissertation project to create a prototype app that allows users to set up an appointment with doctors and also be able to search for reliable medical articles.


The inspiration for the project came from the covid-19 pandemic due to the restrictions and lockdowns in the country.


Here you will see the final version of the prototype.







Gathering inspiration

The first thing I did was making a mood board with some of the material and images I found online that would aid me in my project.







mood board.png


Creating the logo

Since the name of the project was Pocket Doctor I wanted to create a logo that features both a pocket and doctor related items. 



Here are some of the ideas I found when creating the logo. I tried to find different pocket designs where simplistic and also finding icons that are related to the health sector.

app mood board.png

Finished Logo


This is the final design of the logo, as you can see both a pocket design and a medical tool was implemented on the app logo hence the name "Pocket Doctor".







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